Happy Equinox! Today we observe astrologically the shift to cooler weather, as daylength and night length even out and then dark hours become longer. Meteorologically many folks may have considered it to be Fall since the start of September, with schools going back and some cooler days emerging. The plants, however, in the field, are fully in tune with their climate, and quibble not on calendar versus cosmos. They know. We observe peppers below 8c dropping their flowers, slower growth in many summer vegetables, and a boom in brassicas who thrive in the cool.
Those plants, though generally more in tune with the earth than us, echo our feelings, as some of us love Fall days, warm sweaters and the deepening dark. Others grieve the loss of Summer and sink into disbelief then panic, trying to canoe, swim, sunbathe, read a book outdoors, brave it on a cool patio and so on for as long as possible.
Whichever your approach to Fall and change, may the vegetables, with their nutrition and intuition, be your delight. And, feed and nurture you through the change into shorter days and longer nights. May you find yourself cooking up the bright colours, and savouring the crunch of vegetables you nibble, even as dusk comes fast and dinner seems late. Breathe. Accept. Here is the earth greeting you with an embrace and nourishment.
And, know that this IS NOT THE END OF VEGETABLE SEASON by a long stretch. We have been carefully tending the fields in the hope of bringing forth food for you all Winter long. Even if you don't continue past October 31st, until then we hope the food keeps flowing. And if you get a Winter Share, be assured there's already hundreds of pounds of your faves (yes, more carrots than ever!) in the cooler.