Dear members, the first ice has skimmed the top of the water in the paths between our market beds. And, the bulk of the harvest is in for the season.
First ice, and second last shares. Next week is our last share until November. We have a whole lot of tasty growing and in storage for your Nov-Apr eating. We carefully bring in the crops at peak freshness so you can savour summer flavour mid-Winter. And, we pack and store the produce in formats members have found handy over the years. For example, a pound of frozen tomatoes for a stew, 1-2 cups grated zucchini for muffins, heads of garlic for roasting, small-medium radish for salads and garnishes. We know many of you have other favourite recipes too, from the simplicity of nut-butter dipped pac choi or kohlrabi to Thai curry with thawed eggplant and hot peppers. The main change we've made in shares this year is to reduce the frozen quantities and increase the stored roots such as carrots and beets. We hope you'll like that change.
So, thanks for eating with us so far. Reach out to us for recipe help anytime. Join the Harvie FB forum where CSA members across North America share questions, answers, tips and tricks. And, do let us know what worked / didn't in your basket this season so far.
You are integral to the local farm scene - keep eating the Freshest Food!