Our Thursdays are full of share packing. We'd like to tell you a little bit about how it works so you know more about how food gets from the field to your fork.
First thing each Thursday morning we print of all your orders. Each sticker tells us what you've selected for your share, including Addons. With those in hand we head off to drop 2 kids at care for the day. The 3rd comes with us, and helps at the pack shed.
Upon arrival we clean & tidy the barn to make room for our pack line. We clean rubbermaid bins and sweep the floor. That done, we start sorting veggies and pulling the ones we need from the cooler. Mialana or Micah sticker bags & bins in reverse order so we can have each share done in time for it to get to it's pickup point, or to be bicycle delivered.
Each vegetable it which wasn't packaged upon harvest needs to be put into a counting unit, for example a pint, quart, elastic or bag, so we can efficiently pack shares. For example, potatoes get put in paper pint pots.
Once everything is ready we flip the pile of bags and start packing. First up are shares headed for Pig&Olive or Old Farm Fine Foods, then Bicycle deliveries. Once those are on the road we can grab a quick lunch. Then it's time to pack Barn & Memorial Centre shares.
Finally, once all shares are packed, we can turn to cleanup and then other barn tasks. For example, grading garlic and onions then bagging/ bunching and hanging them. Meanwhile, a can takes bins to several pickup points and Tim does bicycle deliveries. If he has time, on the way back he stops at our farthest urban field to check on crops and complete any tasks before it's time to pick up the kids.
We are glad to hear from many of you that you love your share. That makes it worth all the work. Do keep giving us feedback to make the farm better. And, if you want to get involved, get in touch and come spend some time on the farm
And, now is the time to sign up for Winter shares!