It is hard to believe that we are nearing the end of June, and that this is the 5th week of summer CSA deliveries. We’ve received plenty of rain this past week and are looking forward to fields drying out so that we can hill potatoes and plant fall cauliflower, more head lettuce, and another round of broccoli.
We have seen a good amount of deer damage to some crops this year. They particularly enjoy head lettuce, pea plants, and beet/chard greens. In addition to our farm dog, Cassiopeia, a radio, and deer netting, we set up a simple electric fence around one of our fields. Hopefully that will keep them away from our summer head lettuces!
We have bountiful strawberries this week, but the rain has not been kind to the berry patch. We expect this to be the last of the strawberries. Next week, we'll have peas (probably sugar snap and snow) in our shares. Cucumbers and dill are from the hoophouse, and summer squash and zucchini are enjoying the warm weather. We have a variety of head lettuces this week - some iceburg, butterheads, romaine, and oakleaf. The heat has made our salad mix a little bitter - it will benefit from a sweet salad dressing.
If you haven't made a batch of garlic scape pesto, please give it a try! It is delicious tossed with pasta and sauteed zucchini, as a condiment on a turkey melt, or mixed with yogurt and a little mayo to make a creamy salad dressing.
Enjoy the sushine!
Your Farmers,
Craig and Lauren