Happy August! We are happy to arrived at the 8th month of the year. Days are shortening, and we're enjoying beautiful sunsets when we do our evening walk to close up the laying hens at night. Our flower garden is in full bloom. Monarchs, hummingbirds, and buzzing bees are enjoying the blooms. This week's photo is of a monarch enjoying the nectar from a Mexican sunflower - a favorite of our pollinators.
This is an exciting share - you all are receiving the first sweet corn and tomatoes of the year. Watermelons and cantaloupes are close to being ready, as well as the first peppers and eggplant of the season. Summer squash and zucchini season has peaked, but we'll still have them for a few more weeks.
This past week, we harvested the garlic, the rest of our summer carrots, and began the onion and shallot harvest. It looks like a beautiful garlic crop! We cure our alliums - onions, shallots, and garlic - in our greenhouse - where it is warm and has plenty of ventilation. Curing gives alliums the dry, papery outer layers, which allows them to store for many months in your pantry. We'll begin distributing the garlic in 2 weeks - once it is cured.
Enjoy your weekend!
Your Farmers,
Craig and Lauren