The farm looks (and feels) pretty summer-y these days. The tasseling sweet corn and tomato plants full of green fruit enjoyed the heat wave. We are thankful for a break from the 90 degree weather. On Thursday, the farm received almost 3 inches of rain. More than we needed! There was no immediate damage to crops, but the wet, humid conditions have created a favorable environment for diseases in a few different crops. Mulching and giving plant sufficient space are our primary methods of slowing disease in our veggies. We'll pray for some drier weather - but more rain is in the forecast!
The sugar snap peas and snow peas are quickly nearing their end. (They prefer cooler temperatures.) We'll plan to have sugar snap peas next week, as well as the first of - my favorite - the shelling peas. Broccoli also came on heavy this week. The head are smaller than normal, but still delicious. (And don't just compost those delicious broccoli stalks!) This is the last week that garlic scapes will be in the share.
Next week, we'll have mini cabbage and new potatoes. Maybe celery, too!
Over the winter, we created the first installment of an eBook series for our CSA members. If you haven't taken a look at it, here is the link again: The CSA Kitchen Part One: Strategies and Techniques. Page 10 has a list of some great strategies for enjoying your CSA vegetables - including veggie fritters, basic frittata instructions, and a universal pesto recipe.
Your Farmers,
Craig and Lauren