We are more than halfway through the summer CSA season, and also more than halfway through our pregnancy with baby #3. Our family is overjoyed to share the news with you. Baby is due early December, and we have a lots of growing to do before then!
In other news, we're in full summer produce mode here on the farm. The cooler is packed with produce, and we're hauling in more than 100 lbs of tomatoes every other day. (We're offering the first bulk tomatoes for purchase this week.) We harvested all of our onions and shallots this week, and they are happily curing in the shade covered greenhouse. Garlic is ready for sorting and cleaning, and we'll be mowing the potato patch today.
We have cantaloupes and red watermelons in this week's share. We plan to have more cantaloupe next week, as well as a mix of red and yellow watermelons. We've had a disappointing sweet corn year, with a small amount available this week. Cucumbers, zucchini, and summer squash are slowing down. Green peppers are looking beautiful, and we're waiting for them to ripen to red, orange, and yellow.
Dragon Tongue beans are just beginning - we plan to have them in the shares for two weeks. They are a Romano bean - an Italian flat bean in the same family as garden variety string beans, which also counts fancy French haricots verts and yellow wax beans as siblings. They’re broad and flat with a juicy, sweet flavor and great crunch. Dragon Tongue beans are lovely steamed or quickly simmered. It intensifies their delicious nutty flavor. They will fade in color, but you will still see some purple here and there.
Have a beautiful weekend!
Your Farmers,
Craig and Lauren