Farm Happenings at Meadowlark Community Farm
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Fall Share: Week 1

Posted on October 17th, 2020 by Lauren and Craig Kreutzer

Happy first Fall Share delivery! We are slowly adjusting to the cold and are soaking up the sun when it shines. This week has been full of harvest and washing. Winter roots are washed and snuggled in the cooler. Bulk harvests of celeriac and leeks are planned before the temperatures dip into lows in the 20s. We've harvested the last of the tender greens from the field - including beet greens and mesclun mix. The hoophouse, however, is full of spinach, salad mix, beta blend, and mesclun mix for the coming weeks' harvests. 

The spinach is sweet and tender, but the leaves are large. I tear them into bite-sized pieces for salads, but the spinach is also perfect for cooking. The mesclun mix is full of bold flavors - beet greens, arugula, mustards, and bitter lettuces. I like to pair this mix with dried fruit and/or apples, toasted nuts/seeds, and a mustardy vinaigrette (slightly sweetened with honey or maple syrup). The last of the broccoli, cauliflower, and napa cabbage are in this week's shares, but there are plenty of Brussels sprouts and cabbages ahead. 

After harvesting ugly (but delicious) salad turnips for the last couple of weeks, we are so excited about this week's salad turnips. Planted just a couple weeks later, this planting wasn't found by the pests. The salad turnips are beautiful, crisp, and juicy - the way they should be. 

This is the last call to sign up for eggs, coffee, cranberries, or chocolate as an add-on share. For more details - and to sign up - Visit your member login page at:
Under "My Farm", you will see "Place Order". This brings you to the sign up page - from there you will find the add-on shares under "Choose Add-Ons".


Your Farmers,
Craig and Lauren