This Week's Highlights: The cantaloupes are delicious, and we are savoring the watermelon. Our curly parsley is gorgeous. (Here are some ideas for using your bunch of parsley.)
What We're Cooking: We are very excited about our second succession of bunching greens - kale, collards, and chard. The kale is tender enough for raw salads. We cooked up the collards last night with sweet onions and bacon grease served alongside cheesy eggs and biscuits. So yummy!
Veggie Forecast: I thought we'd be swimming in peppers this week, but the plants are taking their time. Hopefully, we'll see more next week. Next week will be the last week for watermelons, but the cantaloupes will be around for a couple more weeks. Tomatoes will continue to be abundant. Think about preserving them for the winter!
Your farmers,
Craig, Lauren, and the Meadowlark family and crew