Farm Happenings at Meadowlark Community Farm
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Summer Share: Week 1

Posted on June 1st, 2019 by Lauren and Craig Kreutzer

Hello, Meadowlark members! Welcome to the summer CSA season.

Our late spring crops have been loving the stretch of cooler weather, but the summer crops are happy to feel the heat. This first week's offerings include crops from the hoop house (chard/beet greens, mini head lettuce, carrots, salad turnips), perennial herbs, and the first crops from the field (bountiful spinach and a taste of broccoli for some members).

Field work is a dance this time of year - waiting for the field conditions to be right for a variety of tasks. There is planting, mulching, cultivating, and weeding to be done. Soon we'll be trellising peas. Between today's storms, we'll be planting winter squash and sweet potatoes. (This is a task we call "mudding in".)

Just a reminder - you'll have until 5am Monday morning to swap and add items to your share. Be sure to remember your bags when you go to pick up your share on Wednesday. We reuse the boxes and box liners.

Happy eating!

Your farmers,
Craig and Lauren