Welcome to week 6 of the CSA! We are slowly toeing our way into the summer crops this week, and still playing catch-up from all of the cold weather that we had back in May. New items this week include Japanese eggplant, leeks, cauliflower, and tomatillos. We love taking thinly sliced leeks and sautéing them with butter, salt, and pepper until golden and tender. It's a nice quick side dish that is perfect for hot summer evenings when you don't want to spend too much time in the kitchen. Leeks are also great in vichyssoise. Don't let the name fool you - this is an incredibly easy soup to put together and it is served chilled so it makes a nice refreshing change of pace for summer dinners.

Back to Farm Happenings at One Straw Farm
Farm Happenings for July 13, 2020
Posted on July 10th, 2020 by Joan Norman
About the farm

One Straw Farm is a family owned and operated vegetable farm in Northern Baltimore County, Maryland. Lovingly tended by Drew and Joan Norman since 1983. One Straw Farm supplies families, restaurants and wholesalers with the finest produce. The goal of farming is more than simply growing a satiable crop, but also the responsibility of safeguarding the integrity of the land we cultivate. Each week we promise you a provision of sustainable produce with a responsible ecological footprint. We extend our value base into the creation of a strong relationship with our market customers and our members through interaction and communication on a daily basis. From our family to yours, we invite you to enjoy our gorgeous home-grown vegetables either through our Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) program.
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