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Farm Happenings at One Straw Farm
Farm Happenings for August 3, 2020
With the hot weather over the past couple of weeks we are entering the height of melon season. We will have both watermelons and cantaloupe available in your CSA shares this week. The watermelons are "personal sized" - about the size of a bowling ball or slightly smaller. They are red fleshed and s1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 27, 2020
We have another round of sweet corn ready for this week! If you are interested in storing veggies for the winter, corn is a great option. To prep for freezing, par boil full ears of corn and then dunk them in ice water to stop the cooking process. Once cool enough to handle, use a knife to cut the1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 22, 2020
We have the first cherry tomatoes of the season available this week. One of our favorite summer sides is a quick salad of cherry tomatoes, garlic, basil, olive oil, balsamic vinegar, and cheese. Make a double batch and the leftovers will be even better for lunch after they marinate overnight. We ha1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 20, 2020
We have the first sweet corn of the season available this week! The corn is very sweet right now and the first corn of the season is always a real treat. Note that we do not have great options for controlling corn borer worms in organic farming so there may be some minor worm damage at the tip of a1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 16, 2020
Welcome to week 6 of the CSA! We are slowly toeing our way into the summer crops this week, and still playing catch-up from all of the cold weather that we had back in May. New items this week include fresh onion, leeks, and cauliflower. The onions come with their greens and should be kept in the r1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 13, 2020
Welcome to week 6 of the CSA! We are slowly toeing our way into the summer crops this week, and still playing catch-up from all of the cold weather that we had back in May. New items this week include Japanese eggplant, leeks, and cauliflower. We love taking thinly sliced leeks and sautéing1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 13, 2020
Welcome to week 6 of the CSA! We are slowly toeing our way into the summer crops this week, and still playing catch-up from all of the cold weather that we had back in May. New items this week include Japanese eggplant, leeks, cauliflower, and tomatillos. We love taking thinly sliced leeks and saut1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 8, 2020
Happy July 4th! We hope that everyone as able to find a way to safely celebrate and take a minute to relax this past weekend. Our traditional July 4th celebration has been to get several families together for a cook out and pool our resources to build a healthy budget for the fireworks store, but t1 read more »
Farm Happenings for July 6, 2020
Happy July 4th! We hope that everyone is able to find a way to safely celebrate and take a minute to relax this weekend. Our traditional July 4th celebration has been to get several families together for a cook out and pool our resources to build a healthy budget for the fireworks store, but this y1 read more »