Hi Friends!
It's always amazing to watch the leaves start to turn on the trees this time of year. It brings us a lot of joy even as the days get shorter and colder. We're spending a lot of time in the greenhouse right now seeding our experimental winter crops and taking out the tomatoes for the year and you can see the leaves collecting overhead on the plastic while we work.
Peppers and tomatillos are still going strong, they had a late start and are making up for it now. We have lots of greens again this week. Next week we'll be digging sweet potatoes, ginger, and turmeric for the last two shares and we have some nice napa cabbages that will be ready by then as well.
We'll be doing a few pop up style shares through the winter - including one before thanksgiving where I'm hopeful that we'll have lots of nice greens available for your holiday tables. I'm starting to get plans together for next season, even if things in the world are still chaotic we'll be moving along with growing good food for our friends and neighbors.
Stay warm, enjoy the sunshine today!
Emma, Naomi, & Norah