Last week we finished harvesting the garlic. The garage ceiling is now covered in tight bundles of garlic, drying and curing, and waiting to be enjoyed. We are glad it stopped raining long enough that we could get in pull the plants with out making a mess, and pack the dry plants together nicely.
Its hard to believe how quickly the summer is flying. It goes in a blink, and it feels funny, but we are thinking about the fall crops and the last succession plantings for certain veggies. The garlic, after it has dried, will be sorted through and the nicest bulbs will be picked out and saved for planting. We will then crack them apart, plant them around Thanksgiving, and give them a cozy covering of straw mulch to protect them some weather, keep them moist, and some weed protection.
As I look around the garden I can also see some of the full season veggies are getting close to ready. There are a handful of cherry tomatoes, the squash, with the rain, has exploded everywhere, the corn is tasseling, the beans will be ready shortly, and hopefully the peppers and eggplants a little after that.