Hey there!
The market is over and so is the CSA. Over the last week we have been trying to get the last of the tender crops off and the garlic in and were blessed with some really beautiful weather. But two nights ago we finally had a killing frost, and while that means the end of the tender crops, it means that many of the hardy roots and greens in the garden will be that much sweeter. While we don't have a huge variety of products, we do have a few things and thought we would put them out there if any one wanted any. I also thought I would try branching out into some delivery since the market is finished.
I would like to offer delivery to Rockwood, Georgetown and the surrounding area, as well as pick up here at the farm. Hoping to send the lists out on Mondays, order cutoff on Thursday morning, with pickup and delivery on Friday. For the pick up at the farm, you are welcome to pick up any time after 10am, your order will be ready and you can pop in any time and into the evening, so don't be worried if it seems late, they will be ready to go in the barn, just pop in and grab it.
With this being our first time with deliveries, there is bound to be a hiccup or two, but I hope it goes smoothly and can be an option for the shoulders of the CSA season where we often have product, but not quite consistent enough to offer a CSA program.
Thanks again for all your support, and enjoy the rain today ;)