Hey there,
All of a sudden it feels like summer is over and the cooler fall weather is already upon us. A few people mentioned to me last week, that when the gladiolus are out in bloom, that summer is over, and it definitely feels that way this year.
Even though it is cooling down, there is still some planting going on, planting and transplanting the last few rounds of cool season crops, radish, kohlrabi, bokchoy, lots of spinach and greens. Our last two piggies are going to the butcher this week, and I will miss them. Having them around is a treat, they have a lot of personality and are a welcome addition to our little menagerie. Though, pork is also my favourite meat, and I appreciate them, and am glad they had fresh air, dirt, grass and veggies before we can enjoy them as well. The last round of young chickens were moved outside on the weekend, and the calves born in the spring are looking cute and chonky walking around with their moms in the pasture, dodging the thistles.
Soon we will be organizing and cracking garlic for planting around thanksgiving, cleaning the last of the onions that have been curing nicely by the garage and jumping into squash season before we know it.