Farm Happenings at Saint Isidore Homestead and Permaculture
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Gardening in May

Posted on May 24th, 2024 by Pedro Aponte

The weather has been absolutely perfect for gardening during the month of May. Comfortable temperatures during the days, cool nights, and good spaced-out rain have made farming and gardening quite a joyful experience this year. I hope you have had a chance to plant at least some flowers, but if that's not your cup of tea, don't miss taking a walk around the neighborhood, everything looks so full of life these days. As for the farm, everything is growing well and beautifully. The weeds are under control (but, of course, this is spring and we are very motivated) and no major pest or issues have come up, except...

There is a whole family of groundhogs who have taken residence in our farm. Though ordinarily we share our farm with wildlife and actually encourage it, these woodchucks  have caused considerable damage to some of our crops. Several weeks ago we started out trapping and relocating them but soon we learned that, like cats, they can find their way back home from considerable distances. Added to the fact that we don't want to turn our problems into somebody else's problems (please consider stop reading here), we decided to start cutting down their numbers using other tactics. As a result, I've been learning a lot about vultures lately. What a fascinating world this is. Everything can absolutely take care of everything else. What a privilege it is to be able to witness it and and to be grateful for it. Blessings from the homestead.