Farm Happenings at Saint Isidore Homestead and Permaculture
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Farm Happenings at Saint Isidore Homestead and Permaculture

Happy Crops, Happy Farmer

Posted on July 3rd, 2020
It's been quite warm these past few weeks. And the lack of rain has forced us to irrigate more than we would like. For some crops, like lettuce, carrots, beans, and everything that prefers cooler temperatures, we use overhead irrigation. Overhead is not very a very efficient technique in that a lot1 read more »

Summer Bounty, Summer Beauty

Posted on June 26th, 2020
The long and warm days are finally setting in and the summer crops are as happy as they can be. Tomatoes, peppers, eggplant, green beans, onions, summer squash, cucumbers are all taking off fast, and, if you seat calmly and patiently in the garden, you can almost see the plants grow and the fruits1 read more »

Oh, Deer

Posted on June 19th, 2020
Years ago when we grew vegetables in our city-home backyard, one crop I particularly took pride in was beets. We always had beautiful, round, deep purple beets crowned with shiny green leaves. I used to refer to that crop as a very easy one to grow. Since we have been growing food commercially, how1 read more »

Is there something missing in your box?

Posted on June 12th, 2020
Many of you know this is our first year working with Harvie. The experience has been wonderful. Particularly, being able to assemble individual boxes to fit your personal preferences has been quite gratifying. Despite all the training and extensive communication with Harvie, we (and myself in parti1 read more »

The Salad Mix

Posted on June 5th, 2020
Our salad mix has been our most popular item at the Farmer's Market for over two years, and it is quickly becoming a favorite among our Harvie CSA members. We vary our salad mix slightly through the season, adding baby Asian greens and baby kale when the weather is cool enough for those crops. But1 read more »

Chicken thoughts

Posted on May 29th, 2020
The farm is full of new life at this time of the year. Lots of baby creatures from birds to snakes to deer, we have seen a lot lately. We have baby turkeys that hatched three weeks ago, a flock of baby ducks just about to hatch, a big flock of meat chickens out in the pasture and another flock of f1 read more »

Here we go!

Posted on May 19th, 2020
We are very excited to officially launch our 2020 CSA season! All the planning, discussions, hard labor, and learning Harvie finally comes together in a box of fresh and delicious vegetables. We have mostly leafy greens and cold-weather crops in this first installment. Back in March the weather was1 read more »