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Farm Happenings at Sandy's Way Microfarm
Can't Wait for some of the Summer Crops! Week #7
You all have been doing great with all the greens and repeat crops!
Yes, the season is plugging along.
Here are some pictures of some of the fruit crops that are coming in! Hopefully in the next few weeks you'll start seeing them in your weekly orders!
Remember to use Harvie to customize1 read more »
The longest day of the year!
This week marks the summer Solstice! June 21st is the longest day of the year with over 15 hours of daylight!
Kind of crazy to think that after that date the days progressively get shorter.
All that daylight means that our plants are really putting on some growth.
It’s amaz1 read more »
Wind, rain and snow oh no! Week #5
If you have been reading these weekly Farm Happenings you can see I worry and talk about weather a lot! First thing every morning and several times every day I check the forecast. Weather drives everything I do on the farm. And what weather we have been having for the past few days.
Betw1 read more »