Hello everyone,
I hope everyone is doing great. On the farm this week, Josh lost his grandpa. So please pray and support for his side of the family. However Josh and I have not missed a beat and extra work has been put on our plates due to no babysitter or extra help do his grandpas death. We have been bailing hay, planting, and picking, feeding, watering and delivering. We are so proud of our kids this week for they have really stepped up and help around the farm and house. All we ask this week, that you give us time this week since it is really just Josh and myself on the farm. We will get to you if you ask a questions it just might take a few days to get back to you.
We did pumpkins and second round of winter squash planted this week which is a big thing checked off our list. Also another 20 acres of hay done only 20 left. Looking the fields we are super excited to see the progress of things we have baby watermelons, cantaloupes, and winter squash.