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Farm Happenings at Tumbleweed Farms
Tumbleweed Farm Happenings for September 22, 2021-LAST WEEK OF THE SEASON
Tumbleweed Family,
Summer is officially over in our books and we're closing up shop for the year. It has been an absolute pleasure bringing you and the rest of Sublette County the produce you deserve all summer long. We can't wait for next season!
This season has been a study in small farm logistic1 read more »
Farm Happenings for September 15, 2021
Two more weeks, Tumbleweed Family :(
The weather is changing and we're sad to say that we only have two more weeks, this week and next, of our 2021 farm share season. It always surprises us how quickly our Sublette County summers fly by but here we are. We're excited to continue getting great produ1 read more »
Farm Happenings for September 8, 2021
Happy September Tumbleweed Family,
The weather is a bit more crisp and the the aspens are beginning to change colors. We're edging out of our warm summer weather and into our lovely fall and we couldn't be more excited to share some of the fall-time goodies that come with the season. Apples, winter1 read more »