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Farm Happenings at Warner Farm
CSA Week 5
We have said goodbye to our strawberries for the summer, but were moving on to another delicious, native fruit. Blueberry season is probably my favorite part of the summer. I have such fond childhood memories of picking blueberries at my Grampa's farm in VT, s1 read more »
CSA Week 4
Strawberry season is coming to and end faster than we had expected. This will be our final week offering strawberries. Our plants have suffered some pretty extensive damage over the winter and that combined with all these cool temperatures and rain-less days has led us to experience what Farmer Dav1 read more »
CSA Week 3
Strawberry season is in full swing here at the farm! That means BULK strawberries, and that means jam, right? Oh yeah! But you can also do so much more with all those berries! If you don't have time to whip up some strawberry goodness now, you can always freeze them to use later!
Early summer,1 read more »
Welcome to our second week of farm-fresh deliciousness! Hope everyone is enjoying all the juicy, red strawberries in their first shares! We certainly have been enjoying them here on the farm! If you didn't sign up for a fruit share with us and haven't sampled their magic quite yet, you'll find them1 read more »