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Farm Happenings at Warner Farm
CSA Week 18
Week 18!
Welcome to week 18! The share boxes just keep getting heavier this time of year! New this week we have butternut AND organic spaghetti squash, brussels sprout stalks, and we're bringing back cabbage! Its the perfect time of year for a roast dinner, I love to fill my house with delic1 read more »
CSA week 17
Week 17!
The farm has a very autumnal feel this week! We have super totes full of hundred of pounds of different varieties of squash, pumpkins, and now we've added sweet potatoes to the collection! Some of the sweet potatoes that have come in from the fields weigh close to 7lbs!!! But1 read more »
CSA Week 16
Week 16
This is our final week of flowers from Old Friends Farm! I'm incredibly sad that our flower season is coming to an end, they have been simply breath taking. I will definitely miss the surprise each week of seeing what combination of flowers, and sometimes herbs they selected for us!&1 read more »
CSA Week 15
Week 15!
Happy September! I hope everyone has been enjoying the cooler weather this month has already brought! This week we will be welcoming back some of our springtime/cooler weather favorites! Bok choy and spinach are back! We are also offering some fall favorites as well, we've got butte1 read more »