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Farm Happenings at Warner Farm
Vote 2020: The stalks have never been higher!
Every year Warner Farm hosts our annual corn maze, Mike's Maze, and welcomes the public to our farm for some good ole' fashioned Fall Fun! This year will be no different despite the unique circumstances the year has brought us. We pride ourselves on bei1 read more »
Warner Farm is a Winner!
Freshly announced just today by Charlie Baker and the State of Massachusetts; Warner Farm is officially a VERY proud recipient of a grant that will allow us to build a brand new packing house facility as well as buy a brand new refrigerated box truck! We are overjoyed with1 read more »
We're already half way through the season!
Can you even believe it? We are now officially half way through our CSA season, our growing season, and our summer. Where has the time gone?! Our shares are still looking mighty summery with lots of corn, beans, tomatoes, melons, and peppers. The leafy gre1 read more »
Beautiful Summer Bounty!
It's peak summer leaning into August and the abundance is really reminding us of all the wonder that is these hot summer months. Tomatoes, corn, beans, melons! It's a true summer bounty and though no one likes a tropical storm, this rain is sure going to help our crops alon1 read more »