Farm Happenings at Where the Redfearn Grows Natural Farm
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Posted on July 27th, 2024 by Dave Redfearn

Ok, just as predicted, tomatoes are in full production right now! This season, we are blessed by some beautiful plants producing beautiful red ripe fruits.  We pick these things red, no like all the ones at the store that are harvested green, shipped across the country and then gassed with Ethylene to make them turn red.  No, these are REAL tomatoes like your grandma used to grow!!!This is the time to get canning and freezing.  Take advantage of the abundance that we will most likely have for the next few weeks.  We have bulk boxes available.  If you purchase bulk boxes, please try to return the boxes the following week so we can refill them and send them back to you and other members full the following week.  

Share your favorite ways to use tons of tomatoes on the private Facebook page to get the ideas flowing for others.  

Aronia Berries are NOT ANYTHING like blueberries

This is your public service announcement that the aronia berries we grow, though packed with nutrients making them even more healthy than blueberries taste nothing like blueberries.  They are a native berry that is probably an acquired taste.  We are accustomed to eating them raw right off the plant, but most people don't enjoy the taste of these fresh berries.  To give you a hint, they are commonly referred to as chokeberries because they have such an astringent flavor.  But don't let that stop you from trying them.  Our favorite way to use them is to make aronia syrup that we use for pancakes, but you can also take the syrup for medicinal reasons.  Generally, you are going to need to add a lot of honey or sugar to get them tasting sweet.  These berries are not at all inherently sweet.

Honey and Chutney

The honey harvest off our hives should be happening mid-August.  So maybe we'll have this year's honey harvest available in 3 weeks or so.

Also tell us what you thought of the chutney.  We're planning on offering it monthly, but if there is a groundswell of popular demand, we could try to offer it every other week.  Let us know what you think.

Bread and Cheese

Farm to Market Italian loaf

Hemme Brothers Chive Curds


Have a fabulous week!

Dave and Sheri