Farm Happenings at Where the Redfearn Grows Natural Farm
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Is it still summer?

Posted on August 10th, 2024 by Dave Redfearn

Wow, what an incredibly beautiful week we've had outdoors!  We got an early taste of fall!  The month of August is usually a slog for us farmers trying to stay hydrated under the blazing summer sun, but not this past week!  We are really grateful for a cool spell that hopefully will re-energize us for a few more sweltering weeks ahead.  Things cooled down so much this week that some of the summer crops slowed down as well.  Okra loves the heat, so as the weather cooled the plants struggled to produce.  But things like lettuce and fall broccolini are really doing nicely in these ideal temperatures for them. 

This week we still have TONS of tomatoes, so please feel free to order those bulk tomato boxes along with the bulk sweet Italian peppers.  The tomatoes will probably start to slow down in the next couple of weeks but because of our planting stagger and good weather and some really healthy-looking plants, it looks like the tomatoes won't just drop off like they have sometimes in years past.  In my estimation, we should have a really good supply for the next month or so, but you never know with these sorts of things.  Right now, I can tell you, there are an awful lot of gorgeous red tomatoes on the plants. 

Yes, I said red tomatoes.  Unlike most tomatoes you can buy, we don't pick them at the breaker stage when they are half green and half pink.  We pick them RED ripe.  True vine-ripened flavor-packed tomatoes from us.   I hope you've noticed the difference!  

Award-winning farmers

Did you know we're famous?  We'll be taking half a day Monday to go to the Missouri State Fair.  Turns out we won "Best Family Farm in Jackson County" this year and we get to be honored with an award of some kind.  I didn't know there was such an award, but I guess we won it.  I hope it comes with a deep-fried Twinkie.  It'll be a fun family day for us as we check out the scene.

Bread and Cheese

Farm to Market French Farm Artisan Loaf

Hemme Brothers Pizza Cheese 

Thanks for eating with us,

Dave and sheri