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Farm Happenings at Zawadi Farm
Farm Happenings for June 3, 2020
Hi everyone,
We are now four weeks into our growing season! We appreciate all the positive feedback you have been sending about the quality of our produce. We are now working on developing more partnerships to make available even more items from other local growers and producers. For our own farm,1 read more »
Farm Happenings for May 27, 2020
Hi Everyone,
Summer is finally here! Tomatoes have been transplanted inside the greenhouse and outdoors this past week. Yesterday we seeded watermelon, spaghetti squash, dill and more green onions. Our cucumbers and zucchinis have also begun sprouting! We can't wait for the bounties of these summer1 read more »
Farm Happenings for May 20, 2020
Hi everyone,
It's now Week 2 of our vegetable share program (Week 1 for some of our bi-weekly members). We are happy that the weather outside has finally warmed up a bit and will continue to do so; we can't wait to transplant our tomatoes! We are also thrilled to announce that we have officially SO1 read more »
Farm Happenings for May 13, 2020
Hi Everyone,
Welcome to new and returning members! This is our first week of deliveries for the vegetable shares and we are so excited at the farm to be able to provide you all with high-quality vegetables. Harvesting and delivering these vegetables to you brings us great joy. As you know, we grow1 read more »