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Farm Happenings at Zawadi Farm
Farm Happenings for July 1, 2020
Hi Everyone,
We just finished setting up our latest backyard plot this weekend and transplanted our hot peppers and seeded some more beans. We even harvested a few eggplants off our eager plants! Tomatoes are starting to ripen and baby zucchinis are forming and will be ready for harvest soon. Garli1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 24, 2020
Hi Everyone,
Happy Father's Day! We hope you have been spending some quality time as a family this weekend. On the farm, things have been really hot and dry and the last of our spring crops are a bit stressed but our summer crops are thriving! Tomatoes, cucumbers. zucchinis and eggplants are gettin1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 17, 2020
Hi everyone,
This was another busy week but we were happy to have some volunteers come join us and help out with resetting beds, weeding and trellising! We had some issues with some of our tools but managed to fix the problem. We seeded carrots and transplanted spaghetti squash. Irrigation has been1 read more »
Farm Happenings for June 10, 2020
Last week at the farm was a marathon! We had a lot of catching up to do so we worked extra hard to try to get back on schedule. The eggplants and zucchinis are finally all in at our Downsview Park plot next to the tomatoes. We reset a number of beds for the next crop rotation in the greenhouse1 read more »