Farm Happenings at Blackbrook Farm
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Blackbrook Farm CSA Box #5!! (Please click on Continue Reading to see the whole newsletter we write!)

Posted on July 6th, 2019 by Ayla Dodge

Hello Members!

It's come to my attention that it is easy to bypass reading the newsletter we write!  Please don't- there's good information in here! Click on "Continue Reading" at the bottom.

On the farm this week, we have had ALOT of rain!  On one hand, it is great to have all that rain!  On the other hand, the weeds are growing faster than any crop and we can't get into the field with cultivating equipment or we will sink! And it's July!  So it is hot and the crops are alive and well!  We are working on trellising field tomatoes, planting the last of the transplanted fall crops, weeding and tilling in old crops to plant new ones. We try not to keep bare soil around.  This helps with growing organic matter, better soil tilth and erosion control.  Even weeds (that don't go to seed "a poor man's cover crop" are better than bare soil).

In the box this week there is arugula, basil, fennel and Garlic scapes.  All of these make for an awesome pesto! So, you can make 4 different pestos and see which one you like the best, or you can combine them all for a mind blowing pesto experience!  

We hope you can make it to the Annual Coop Farm Tour this weekend!  We will be hosting again this year and will have the grill going for you to have a taste of our brats and hot dogs.  And you can go home with extra veggies and meat!  We will have wagon rides around the farm starting at 11, on the hour.  You can walk out to our cows, pigs, bees and crops.  It's a large farm, so wear comfortable shoes.  Hope to see you!

Farm Tour

July 13th 10-4 (anytime between then)

1150 35th ave..

Amery, WI 54001

As always, here are a few things for you to remember about  the CSA and the boxes: 

ALWAYS take the box with your name on it that is from BLACKBROOK FARM!  If someone is picking your box up for you, please tell them to take the box with your name on it from BLACKBROOK FARM!  This is very important.

IF you can't pick your box up on THURSDAY, please communicate with me about this so I can arrange for it to be kept at the dropsite instead of donated or used.

Please return your box either the same week (bring a bag to empty your veggies into) or the following time you pick up your box.  Please collapse your box and neatly stack it or put it where the other boxes are.

If you are half share, your box is delivery every other week ( unless you have rearranged your schedule with Harvie).  Please remember to check if this is your week or not.  Full shares are delivery every week.  When your box is delivered on Thursday, a delivery email is sent out.  EVERY one at that dropsite gets that email, even if you do not get a box that week. So it is important for you to know which weeks you pick up.  Please email me with questions. Here is information on how to access when and where to pick up your box

We also have 100% pastured Pork extras for SALE!  If you order pork from us in your share we put it in a foil pack very frozen and deliver it to you in your box.  It will either be partially frozen or very very cold when you receive it.  We also have Pastured Pork Packages for sale that we home deliver to your door.  This is a great way to load up on all the cuts of a hog and get your good healthy fats!  You can find our sign up share for that on our website or our Harvie site under shares. Let us know if you have any questions!  Raising animals is a large part of what we do at Blackbrook Farm!

In the Box this week: 

Cascadia Snap Peas- First of the season! The whole thing can be eaten!  Keeps best in a plastic bag or just eat them right away!

Cucumber- 1 or 2 per member.  First of the season for these too!  We have some coming out the hoophouse and some out of the field.  You may get regular slicers or get really long Asian long cucumbers that are also great for slicing. Cucumber Basil Salad

Beets Greens Bunch or Bunched Beets- we grew beets just for the greens (planted really thickly, not for roots) but ended up not having enough and had to go in and harvest some beets, too.  So you either got a bunch of beets or a bunch of beet greens.   The greens are basically swiss chard, but a little thinner.  Great for stir frys or bakes.  Sauteed Beet Greens

Scallions- Another fresh and crispy bunch of onions for you this week.  Keeps well in fridge in a plastic bag.  Use fresh or cooked. Trim roots off first.

Summer Squash/Zucchini-Now these are really starting to produce!  Everyone gets a quite a few this week.  Grate and freeze for winter bakes and soups.  Classic Zucchini Bread

Broccoli- Also a big week for broccoli.  We have to harvest this every other day right now to ensure no heads go to flower.  Great in a quick stir fry with onions, scapes, zucchini, sesame oil, soy sauce.

Collards or head Lettuce- So everyone either got lettuce OR collards, no both this week.  We were short on lettuce heads so combined these two items.  Sorry for confusion!  Collard Green Recipe

Basil bunch- Do not wash first we it will brown.  Great chopped into any salad or dish.  Make a quick pesto with garlic scapes, basil, olive oil, nuts and salt!  SO YUMMY! Do not refrigerate, keep in a plastic container on counter.

Fennel- We love fennel in any pasta dish!  It is one of the most commonly used herbs in italian cooking and pasta sauces.  So amazing sauted up with onions, garlic and other herbs.  Fennel and Basil Pasta

Fennel and Basil Pesto

Garlic Scapes- Another bunch of these this week.  We love to cook with them just like a bulb of garlic.  Use in Pesto!

Kohlrabi- 1 o 2 per member.  Peel first and then slice thin and put in salt water for a crisp snack.  Make fritters or just grate into a salad. 

Arugula-Bunched holey arugula. Nice and spicy!  Great in pesto, too!  Pesto week!  Or wilted into  pasta.  Combined with lettuce for a zippy salad.  Keep in plastic bag- WASH FIRST!Arugula Pesto


We hope to see you this coming Saturday for the Farm Tour!

 Kid High by the 4th of July!


Have a great week!
Your Farmers,

Ayla, James, Ronia, Edwin and the Crew