Farm Happenings at Blackbrook Farm
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Blackbrook Farm CSA Box #3 (click on Continue Reading to see our newsletter)

Posted on June 21st, 2020 by Ayla Dodge

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The weather has felt warmer than usual this June, which means our crops are growing at exponential rates!  We have so many things to harvest we don't know how to get it all done!

Mushroom shares will be getting mushrooms again this week.  You can see what the mushrooms are from the label on the bottom of the carton, which also has a recipe link included.

Here on the farm, the chickens are getting really big, we saw our first snapping turtle of the year crossing the land bridge out to the fields and we have gotten some MUCH needed rain in the last few days.  Nothing waters fields like good ol' rain.

I am going to try something a little different this week and put a lot of items in the inventory, instead of keeping it to a limited number of crops to go in boxes.  This means the customization period will be more important so you can swap items that might be in your box that you don't want with a crop you want more. The reason is because I have so many different crops to harvest and some of them I don't have quite enough of yet for everyone.  So, every ones box will be a little different based on your rated preferences and how you customize the box.  

What you MAY get in the box this week: (updated on Wednesday for accurately):

Strawberries! Everyone got these this week. I might help to wash them before eating as we just picked them fresh out of the field.  So sweet! Smaller than the California ones, but much better.  These do NOT store well and you should eat them right away.

Fennel- this is a hidden gem! It is widely used in Italian cooking, by chefs and with pastas. Try this recipe:  Pasta with Sausage and Arugula and Fennel.  a bunch of recipes for fennel

Beets- These are sweet, fresh and you can also eat their greens!  We like to saute the greens and put them in a pasta, on a pizza, in eggs and burritos.  Balsamic Roasted Beets

Pac Choi- Either 2 smaller ones or 1 large one.  WASH after taking apart the leaves!  They both cook up the same.  Best stored in a plastic bag. Sesame Pac Choi

Napa Cabbage- Kimchi time!  You can other things to kimchi like scallions, radishes, kohlrabi or pac choi.  Here is a recipe Kimchi Recipe. Stir fried napa cabbage

Head Lettuce- butterhead or romaine.  Wash again once you take this head apart and store in a container in the fridge. both kinds of lettuce make good wraps Thai Chicken Lettuce Wraps

Basil bunch- A little on the holey side, we are having a swarm of crickets in our hoophouses right now- very strange- and they are eating everything can.  You can make pesto, or just shop and put on every dish you make!

Spring Mix-This salad should last for about 2 weeks in the plastic bag. pre washed. 

Arugula- 1/3 lb.  mix with the greens for a spicy salad!  You can use the recipe above for the fennel and arugula pasta. Strawberry Arugula Salad

Kohlrabi (2)- white this week.  We are really enjoying these just fresh, peeled and cut into matchsticks.  dont forget to make kohlrabi fritters!

Sweet Snap Peas! Everyone is getting peas this week! No need to cook, just snap them into your mouth!  The kids are really enjoying picking them off the vine and eating pint loads at a time.  So sweet and crunchy! Great in a salad, too.  These will store best in a container, not in the pint they come in, in the fridge. 

Summer Squash- 2- just the beginning!  We had out first stir fried summer squash of the season with fresh basil and shaved parmesan on the top.  So good! Try this grilled recipe that also uses basil! Grilled Pesto chicken with Summer Squash

Radishes cherriette- These are spciy! Cherriette or french breakfast. Last of the radishes until the fall. Its getting too hot.  Top them and store them, wash again, in a container. shave thin and put on a salad or grill them for a less spicy flavor!

Broccoli- First of the season!  So yummy and fresh!  These are very nice looking heads so far.  Grilled broccoli is also delicious.  store in a plastic bag in the fridge.

Garlic Scapes- These work just like garlic or a scallion.  You can eat them fresh, chopped in  dish or saute them.  They are GREAT in  pesto or sauce, too.  Garlic Scape Pesto

Scallions- also a staple to substitute onions in any dish.  Or great in the kohlrabi fritter recipe, too!

Chickens in the Farmer James movable "chicken tractors" which we move every evening, rain or shine, in order to let them forage as much as possible.  

Piggos on pasture eating lots of bolted lettuce these days!  These little ones were headed for euthanization due to all the processing facilities shutting down due to covid.  There was a joint effort in our area to save some of them from that.  They are really cute, little and playful. They also REALLY like to get out of their fence!

Snapping turtle making her way across the road

our first year trialing veggies in landcape fabric (other than strawberries).  So far, so good!

Small Snapping turtle making her way across road

Have a great week!