Farm Happenings at Blackbrook Farm
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CSA Box 11 (Please Click on Continue Reading to see Whole Newsletter)

Posted on August 22nd, 2021 by Ayla Dodge

Hello Members!

Week 11 already!  You will start to see the slow shift to fall in the coming boxes. This week we will have no more cucumbers or summer squash for you.  Next we will probably put a pie pumpkin in the box, but this week we are taking a week off of squash types. You will notice some greens coming back. The tokyo bekana is a nice, thin napa cabbage type and can be used as a lettuce wrap, in a salad or cooked. The french breakfast radishes are nice and crispy and offer a sense of fall, too, even while we are in the thick of tomato pickin season!

We have canners for SALE!  They are not really even going to be 2nds, we just have a ton (well more than that) of tomatoes!  $45 for a half bushel. Find them in the extras when you go to customize your share.

If you are interested in our Pastured Meats, you can read about our practices and what we have to offer HERE

We also finally have our Pastured Meat Share sign up open now!  HERE

We still have some spots left for our FALL SHARE HERE


Hello mushroom lovers and farm supporters!

This week we have Chicken of the Woods for you!

Our recipe suggestion is Mushroom Ragout over Creamy Polenta:

However, you may just want to cook these up and eat them right out of the pan with nothing else! If you haven’t had chicken of the woods before, you are in for a treat. The texture is so similar to chicken, and if you sauté them with a bunch of olive oil and a bit of salt and pepper, the taste is so similar – you won’t believe it.

We culled out the buggier Chickens for ourselves, so I’m interested in trying this Chicken Fried Chicken of the Woods:


Here is what you may have in the box this week:

Sweet Corn- Next week will be the last week for corn and it will be a smaller amount.  It's been a good run on sweet corn this year.  We were able to irrigate it well and the heat helped, I think.  Store in the fridge in a bag.  Will keep well, but it does turn more starchy as time goes on.  

Beef Stir Fry with Sweet Corn , Beans and Tomatoes

Creamy Corn Chowder

Cantaloupe or watermelon this week- Next week we will have cantaloupe only I think.  Last of the watermelons this week. Keep in the cooler, all of these should be ripe.  If your cantaloupe does not smell ripe than you can keep on the counter for a few days. 

Tomatoes, heirloom and red slicer- This is our peak tomato time.  In fact, we left many many tomatoes in the field because we have TOO many!  Everyone should get a nice amount of both.

tomato and corn salsa

Pepper, colorful either bell or sweet carmen- Not sure why, but our peppers are not loaded at all this year, so it is slim pickins.  1 or 2 red or orange.

Roasted Corn and Red Pepper Salad

Hot peppers, a mix of cayenne and jalapeno- Salsa time?! Or mash with salt and vinegar for a quick hot sauce.

How to make hot pepper mash (can also use the sweet peppers)

Green Bean/Dragon's Tongue Snap Bean Mix- It is a bean year, apparently.  You can par boil them and freeze them.

Dragons Tongue (and green beans) with Caramelized Onions

Cauliflower or Broccoli- Not a lot this year or going forward until fall brassicas come in.

eggplant- we made a great ratatouille last week with peppers, onions, eggplant and tomatoes that was really good!


Cherry Tomatoes- Finally, our cherry tomatoes are coming in!  Next week everyone is getting some! DO not refrigerate.

French Breakfast Radishes- Fall meets summer.  Nice and crisp and great on a samdwich or finely chopped into a pico de gallo. 

 Radish and Tomato Pico De Gallo

Tokyo Bekana Bunch-Fall meets summer again with this green,  Wash again once you have the leaves taken apart. great eaten as a salad, for a wrap or sauteed.

Tokyo Bekana Slaw

Yellow Onions- 2-3. Storage onions.  store in a cool, dark place do they do not turn green.

Carrots. Top, wash roots and keep in a plastic container or bag in the fridge so they do not go soft.


Tomato harvest!

Tomato poses!

What's in the box next week: 

Ground Cherries


More Ronia and Tomato cuteness- we called this one the tomato sandwich

Your farmers,

Ayla James Ronia Edwin Willem and the Crew