Farm Happenings at Blackbrook Farm
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December 16th Holiday delivery

Posted on December 11th, 2021 by Ayla Dodge

Hello! We welcomed the first real snow of winter! Yay!  Watering/feeding the animals everyday in snow like this is lovely.  It is so sunny and shiny everywhere! We hope you are staying warm and healthy during this winter season.

We are trying to stick to the every other week schedule of delivery.  This is THE LAST delivery before Christmas, so stock up for that.  We will most likely be doing another deliver the following week, tho.

There is a $50 minimum to purchase from the farm stand.  We do home delivery for a $10 fee but if you can choose a drop site that is great, too!

if you are interested in larger portions of pork or chicken please find that info HERE

Our delivery window is typically between noon-5 pm depending on where you are on the route and how many people we get signed up for home delivery, which can increase our route quite a lot.

Please email with any questions! @

We hope this finds you well!
Your farmers,

Ayla, James, and kiddos and animals

This is a pork bone broth ramen like soup with ground pork dumplings inspired by this recipe you can try it too!:


W helping with the goats!


decorating the tree! Had to put the ornaments up high because of tiny fingers...


Happy Holiday and Solstice to all!

The dodge family