Farm Happenings at D&V Organics
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2024 CSA Week 18

Posted on September 7th, 2024 by Derek Zember

D&V Organics CSA

Week 18

Our fall crops are starting to put on some nice growth with all the cooler nights we've been having over the past week.  It is looking like we will have lettuce in another week and more things coming along after that.  Although it has been somewhat dry, our fields that we planted with cover crop mixtures a month ago are looking great.  Even though we won't immediately see the results of the cover crops, it's exciting driving around the farm and seeing how big they are getting and knowing that over time they will help to fortify our soils.  Our tomatoes are kicking back on after all that rain a couple of weeks ago, so we will add them back into shares this week.  Other new items this week include mustard greens, scarlet red stem turnips and hakurei Japanese salad turnips.


Derek and Crew