Farm Happenings at D&V Organics
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2024 CSA Week 19

Posted on September 14th, 2024 by Derek Zember

D&V Organics CSA

Week 19

The first of our fall lettuces will return this week, but we are afraid we will have to say goodbye to tomatoes for the rest of the season with the next installment of remnant hurricane rains in the forecast.  Some seasons we can push our tomato crop through to the end of September, but other seasons we are limited by the seasonal weather, namely hurricanes that move through the area every August and September.  The weather is always a challenge on the farm and the construction of our large tomato greenhouse back in 2021 has enabled us to get a jump start on the season and produce tomatoes much earlier than we could otherwise.  Another nice thing about the greenhouse is that rain doesn't impact the crop like it does outside.  After a long three month season of picking tomatoes from June through August in the greenhouse, the plants are usually slowing down and in September the greenhouse yields drop dramatically.  Maybe the solution is to build more greenhouses...?  We aren't sure about that for now.  The seasons are bound to change anyway, and we like the shift in seasonal eating and growing on the farm.


Derek and Crew