Farm Happenings at Diggin' Roots Farm
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Farm Happenings for June 14, 2019

Posted on June 14th, 2019 by Sarah Brown

Welcome to our 2019 CSA season!

I mentioned in a recent email that we've been feeling pretty good about this year's flow. It's crazy how much stays the same and how much it feels like everything changes. Conner and I recently had a chance to walk the fields together and it felt so good. (It is a bit sad how rare that is but I think we're getting back in our groove.) There's a lot of new stuff going on- we're navigating how to use this new CSA system (we need to update the veggie photos!), are getting ready to plant hemp, using insect netting for the first time, and are training a puppy to stay out of trouble. We're also just enjoying all the seasonal excitements that feel like they arrive on a weekly basis- the first snake, the first cherry, the first cucumber, the first grasshopper, etc. Living with the seasons, and the wonders that they bring, has brought with it so much joy, anticipation and excitement to our lives. We are so pleased to share a bit of that with you.

Already this season it feels like we're slowly figuring a few things out. We're using the cultivating tractor more than ever, have figured out some new efficiencies in moving and setting up irrigation systems, and are just slowing down. In year's passed there has been so much stress about all the things that weren't going right. This year, for some unknown reason, we're just taking things one step at a time. Things are getting planted and seeded a tad bit later but seem to be catching up no problem. We get hit with a pest and we reseed or cover the plants with row cover.

Let us know how this first week goes- what worked and what didn't and don't forget to swap things out if you want to!

With gratitude,

Sarah + Conner