1.5 inches of rain in the past 72 hours!
That's what the rain gauge says, and that's what it feels like - a warm, full, forgiving constant rain. This was the first Sunday since April that actually felt like a real lazy day. The whole farm is being irrigated at once! And this farmer took a little extra time with his cup of coffee and his family this morning, listening to the birds and the rain chatter through open windows.
June rains are t-shirt rains. They are happy corn and bean rains and perk up the pasture rains. This is germinate all the weed-seed rain, and playful pig wallow rain. It's hurry up and get the garlic harvested rain, and shoulda transplanted all the lettuce rain. The soil will come alive this week, and then we're in for some more heat to really kick-start the summer season. We're here for it!
This is the last week before our main season CSA begins, and the fields are really filling out. Those brief heat waves in April and May are catching up to our lettuce plantings, but otherwise the crops are growing well and our succession timing is feeling optimal (almost like we planned it! ;). Even the field tomatoes are setting lovely fruit. Please get a Farm Stand order in for this week if you'd like another shot at the snap peas and some gorgeous bulb fennel, as well as some incredible magic-topped beets and early zucchini. Otherwise, we'll see many of you next Tues, the 22nd for our first main season CSA delivery.
We will also continue offering Farm Stand orders every Tuesday, when extra inventory is available, so stay tuned! Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any thoughts, questions, or concerns. We so appreciate sharing this life with you all - every day is another day to find some wonder, and some connection, in this big, complicated world.
Your Farmers,
Conner (+Sarah)