Farm Happenings at Diggin' Roots Farm
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Farm Happenings for June 22, 2021

Posted on June 21st, 2021 by Sarah Brown

Good Morning! 

And welcome to the 2021 summer veggie train. It feels a bit like we skipped Spring altogether, given that tomatoes are imminent while the first Sugar Snap Peas are hot and bothered.

Your farmers are maybe a little bit hot too. These early heat waves kicked us into high gear, though the end of June is always a circus, regardless of rain, or heat, or careful planning. It's when the farm starts to feel a bit too big. All the weeds are here to stake a claim, and ALL the grass and thistle is growing taller than me. It's a time when certain tasks get kicked to the bottom of the list, where they will remain for the next 5 months. It's a season full of compromise, when the food in the fields becomes the biggest priority (as it should), and harvests reign supreme. 

Somehow though, our incredible crew squeak in hours here and there throughout the week for composting spreading, transplanting, seeding, cultivating....ALL the things that are necessary to turn the corner on the season. This is that confluence, when summer's solstice has us working loooong days to usher in summer bounty, while at the same time looking ahead to fall crops (!!). This week, we will finish seeding the remaining fall and winter greens, doing our best to keep these cool-weather babies happy in a shaded greenhouse for the next two weeks, before finding them a home in some very hot, dry field beds. This is perhaps the most challenging corner to turn (there are many). Ushering fall crops through the hottest (and busiest) time on the farm always kinda makes my head explode. 

And believe me,  I know it's crazy to be talking about fall on the first CSA delivery, but so it goes. The wheel keeps on turning.

We are admittedly tired after a very early, very dry, very busy Spring....but the work is as gratifying as ever. The fields are flush with beautiful food, the trees and shrubs and native plantings around the farm are looking vibrant and healthy. There is so much life that continues to expand and flourish here. As we watch the aquifers drain in the West, I am more committed than ever to build greater resiliency here. We are being careful with our water, and over the next 5-10 years, our goal is to steward a transformation in this landscape, from an open, exposed, relatively homogenous ecosystem, to one where the soil remains damp and alive longer into the summer, capable of supporting more trees and shrubs and an-ever expanding habitat for all of our helpful creature friends. The forest needs to expand, the water needs to slow down (and remain) in the landscape. We are in the business of growing shade in a region that sometimes feels it's moving in the opposite direction. I love growing vegetables, for all the reasons, and yet, the food feels like an empowering piece of a greater puzzle, where you all, through your trust and commitment to this farm, provide the support (emotional and financial) for us to fully lean into our responsibility as the holders of this land. We appreciate you all beyond measure for this beautiful collective effort. It's everything.

Enjoy this week's veggies and please reach out to let us know how you're feeling about everything! We love hearing from members, and we want to know how you're doing. We'll be at farmer's market each week too, some come see me and tell me what's up if you're around on the weekends.

Your Farmers, With Gratitude,

Conner (+ Sarah)