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Farm Happenings at Earth Spring Farm CSA
Order from the Shop for this weekend!
The shop is now OPEN to pre-order for this Friday (on farm) and Saturday (Mt. Pleasant, Palisades, DC). As a reminder, you're welcome to place your order and make changes anytime from now until TUESDAY at 12pm. The farm is still going strong with lots of variety to choose from. We've also restocked1 read more »
Order from the Farm Stand for this weekend!
Happy holiday week! We're excited to offer pre-orders for pickup on Friday (on-farm) and Saturday (D.C.) so you and your loved ones can enjoy fresh food from the farm, without having to venture out into the frenzy of holiday shopping and grocery stores. Simply order from the comfort of home and pic1 read more »
Online Farm Stand is OPEN!
Welcome to the launch of our new online farm stand! This is how we will continue to sell and deliver farm fresh produce and great local products to our community during our CSA "off-season." For existing members and farm stand subscribers, the process will look very similar. Here's a quick how-to f1 read more »
FINAL week of CSA extension!
We've arrived at our final week of our Fall Extension CSA, and the farm is still producing plenty of great food! Please note that this IS the final week of pickups, and your membership is concluding with this delivery, BUT - we do have enough to harvest for another week! One-time shares will b1 read more »
Fall Extension Week 3
Welcome to November! It's a great time for fresh produce from your farmers... read more »