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Farm Happenings at Earth Spring Farm CSA
Farm Happenings for September 1& 2, 2023
This is a hot summer and the plants are drinking a lot of water - I hope you all are too.
Here are a few things that I am adding to the CSA list this week:
Black Rose Coffee from Elementary Roasters in Harrisburg
Radish micros are back
Pea Shoots too
Small seedless red water melons&n1 read more »
Farm Happenings for August 18, 2023
Hi Everyone,
Sorry for the late CSA opening I just finished up the day in the barn and almost forgot! The choices this week will the same as last week with the exception of bulk basil which is back on the menu.
In the field we are planting and seeding like crazy - Chinese broccoli, red radish1 read more »
Farm Happenings for August 11&12, 2023
I am adding bulk heirloom tomatoes for your canning or salsa needs. A 10 lb case for $20. These are beautiful.
Also try the long beans this week, and I will keep them on there in the weeks to come in case you miss them.
Bulk basil is off for a week until it pushes the next round of le1 read more »