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Farm Happenings at Earth Spring Farm CSA
Shop is OPEN + Introducing New CSA!
The shop is open for orders delivered this weekend! We've got all of our winter root veggies, micro greens, and kitchen staples like fresh bread, eggs, milk, cheese and coffee. We're restocked on several cuts of pastured pork, as well as 100% grassfed ground beef! Grab everything you need for your1 read more »
Relax + Reconnect with Farm Fresh Food
This week we're feeling extra grateful for the farm, our cozy greenhouses, and the soil that keeps providing beautiful, nutritious food for us, no matter what else is going on. We hope that a box of fresh veggies, homemade bread, farmstead cheese and grassfed meat will be just the grounding and con1 read more »
Stock Up on Kitchen Staples!
Things are moving right along at Earth Spring Farm! We're starting to prep our greenhouses for plants, including one whole house dedicated to flowers. Winter is always its own kind of busy, with big projects moving toward completion, keeping our animal friends warm and fed, and lots of planning for1 read more »
Order for this week! Soil Mix + CSA Signups coming soon...
Welcome to the new year! We are so happy to be here, and hope your first few days of 2021 have been happy and healthy.
The Shop is OPEN, and we're now accepting orders for pickup on Friday, January 8 (on-farm) and Saturday, January 9 (DC)!
A few quick updates for January:
1. We'd like to start offe1 read more »