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Farm Happenings at Earth Spring Farm CSA
Farm Happenings for December 1&2, 2023
It kinda feels like winter may be headed our way...maybe? I like cold snowy winters and would love to have one this year - but don't worry - the greenhouses are still growing our food and between what we have in storage and our network of other local farms we can still provide you wit1 read more »
Farm Happenings for November 17&18, 2023
Thanks giving is almost here again - it's hard to believe how fast time is moving this year.
I have added some extra options to the CSA (and remember that you can buy extra if needed through the "farm stand")
FRESH TURKEYS!! (NOT FROZEN) from North Mountain Pastures Farm. I am headed1 read more »
Farm Happenings for November 10&11, 2023
We are 4 frosts into mid-fall season. the last of the flowers have been picked, root crops are stored away for winter, along with winter squash and the garlic has been planted and is peeking up in the beds nicely.
Winter CSA sidenote: Remember that I will be running the CSA through t1 read more »