Farm Happenings at Fallon Food Hub
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Farm Happenings at Fallon Food Hub

What's Happening?!?!

Posted on December 9th, 2019
Greetings Farm Fans! What a weird weather week it has been!  On my farm box delivery route last Friday, I experienced 5 distinct micro-climates over the course of 130 miles and 3 hours!  My farmers are happy that storms forecasted to hit Fallon have been much milder than anticipated! 1 read more »

Rain, and Sleet, and Slush... Oh My!

Posted on December 2nd, 2019
Greeting Farm Fans and Happy December! Welcome back from our brief holiday break!  We hope that you enjoyed plenty of local produce with your families over the course of the last week!  I tried out a new turkey technique with a pair of heritage turkeys raised by Sue Kennedy in Lamoille, N1 read more »

It's Germination Time!

Posted on November 18th, 2019
Hello Farm Fans -  Out on the farms, our farmers are taking advantage of the 60-degree temperatures to get their seeds in the ground and germinated!  This should be the last week before an abundance of greens are ready for harvest!   A few notes for this weeks delivery: Beef is1 read more »

Sunchokes, Honeynut, and Cucumbers!

Posted on November 11th, 2019
Hello Farm Fans!   Welcome to week 2 of our winter basket.  For some of you, this is your first opportunity to interact with our new platform--so a few housekeeping details.  Below, you will see a list of produce that is included in your box.  These items have been cultivat1 read more »

Welcome to the Winter Season!!!

Posted on November 1st, 2019
Greetings Farm Fans!!! Our Team at Great Basin Basket Farm Share is so excited about the start of our winter season!  Our month off was filled with rest and rejuvenation but we are chomping at the bit to get back to delivering our farmers amazing produce to you! As I am sure you are aware, dur1 read more »