Farm Happenings at Farmer Joe's Gardens
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[CSA Update] Welcome to week 6

Posted on August 16th, 2024 by Ida DeFrancesco

The mums are back, folks, and I’ve got to tell you, there’s something special about these fall blooms that just feels like home. Now, I know what you’re thinking—aren’t chrysanthemums just those flowers your grandma used to plant? Well, sure, but here at the farm, we’re giving these old favorites a fresh spin. And let me tell you, they’re turning heads and brightening gardens all around the community.

You see, chrysanthemums—or just mums, as we like to call them—are far more than a nod to nostalgia. They’re a symbol of resilience, community, and a bit of simple beauty that’s all too easy to overlook these days. Take a stroll around the farm, and you’ll see what I mean. The mums are blooming in vibrant yellows, deep purples, and every shade in between, adding a pop of color that stands out against the backdrop of turning leaves.

Now, if you’re like me, you appreciate a plant that doesn’t ask for much but gives plenty in return. Mums are about as low-maintenance as they come, making them a perfect choice for folks who want their gardens to shine without spending hours in the dirt. They’re tough little plants, thriving in all sorts of soil and weather. A little sun, a bit of water, and they’re good to go. And when the rest of the garden is starting to wind down, mums are just getting started, offering up their best colors right through the fall.

But these blooms aren’t just for show. Mums are champions of sustainability, too. They’re great for the bees and butterflies, which are crucial for keeping our ecosystem buzzing—literally. It’s a comforting sight, seeing those pollinators busy at work, knowing that we’re doing our part to support local wildlife. And the best part? You don’t need to douse these flowers in chemicals to keep them looking good. A bit of compost, some organic mulch, and you’re set. It’s gardening the way it should be—natural, simple, and in harmony with the land.

Speaking of harmony, there’s something incredibly satisfying about walking through a garden full of mums. Their rich, autumnal hues perfectly complement the season. Whether you plant them in the ground, use them as borders, or pop them into a few containers on the porch, they’ve got a way of making any space feel warm and welcoming. And let’s not forget the creative side of things. Mums are a florist’s dream—perfect for bouquets, wreaths, and all sorts of DIY projects. You can even dry them for a bit of lasting autumn décor.

And here’s a little-known fact: mums aren’t just a feast for the eyes; they can be a treat for the taste buds, too. Yup, some varieties are edible, adding a peppery zing to salads or a delicate flavor to teas. There’s something special about sipping a cup of chrysanthemum tea on a crisp fall morning, knowing that the flowers came right from your garden. It’s these simple pleasures that make the hard work of farming worth every minute.

So, as you’re planning your fall garden—or maybe just looking to add a bit of color to your front porch—consider giving chrysanthemums a place of honor. They’re more than just a nod to the past; they’re a vibrant part of the future. And who knows, they might just become your new fall favorite, just like they have for us here at the farm.

We’ve got plenty of mums ready for you, grown with care and a bit of Connecticut sunshine. Come on by, take a look, and see for yourself why these flowers are the talk of the farm this season. Trust me, your garden—and your grandma—would be proud.