Summer CSA Week 3: June 25 - 28
We are loving all of the veggie variety these days. Dinner just got much easier as we move out of the "just greens and radishes" spring time, and into early summer with it's beautiful beets, and super sweet carrots. These are the days! If only it would cool down a bit because holy moly, we are roasting out here. Mind you, hot summers lead to an abundance of melons and tomatoes so maybe I'll take it.
We’ve nearly filled the farm, and are beginning to turn over the harvested beds to make way for the fall plantings. We’ve already started our first round of fall brassica's (broccoli’s, cauliflower's, kale's, etc.) in the greenhouse, just as some of the spring ones are starting to come ready. In only two weeks we begin seeding storage carrots. We are anticipating, and hoping, that this heightened interest in local food will continue and we are planning to plant enough for 5,000 lbs.
It always catches me by surprise, this switch in planting for the cooler months just as the summer crops get going.
If you are curious when you should be planting seeds in your garden, so they'll have time to come ready before winter, you can use this handy chart:
I'd like like to remind you that:
You have until 10:00 p.m. Monday evening to customize your share. Here's a 'how swaps and extras work help file':
The answers to lots of other questions you might have, can be found on Harvie University:
If you need to get in touch with us you can do so by email to, or phone 519 441 1556.
That's all for now, happy eating until next time.