Farm Happenings at Firmly Rooted Farm
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Farm Happenings for August 13, 2020

Posted on August 7th, 2020 by Tamara McMullen

There are no harvests like August harvests.  We harvested over 1,200 lbs this week in just beans, tomatoes, cucumbers and zucchini.  There were another few hundred pounds in melons, the same in potatoes, and well over 300 in baby greens.  There's more too: eggplant, onions, cooking greens, beets and carrots, and herbs by the bushel.  It takes months to get here, but the garden is in her glory in August.  

The greenhouse build is ticking along and should be complete mid month.  

The fall crops look fabulous.  The napa cabbage and kohlrabi went in this week, and fall radishes (diakons and watermelon) are scheduled for next week.  While the cabbage moth and swede midge are out in full force these days, we are working hard to keep these little crops safe so we'll have a fall that is as abundant and diverse as the summer.  

That's all for now, happy eating until next time.  
