Firmly Rooted Winter CSA - Week 3
We welcomed a new member onto the farm this week, our daughter Ruby Gwyneth Wiley. We are delighted to have her with us, and though are all a little sleep deprived we are otherwise doing well.
That being the case I'm going to keep this rather short and sweet.
Here is the link to Harvie University once again. It's a great reference on everything Harvie. If you have a question, there's a good chance the answer can be found here:
What you Can Expect in the Box
New this week: watermelon radishes! These intensely magenta colored radishes add a beautiful crunch to salads, sandwiches or wraps. They are also lovely quick pickled.
It'll be the last week for leeks. We plan on growing more next season but this is it until 2021. The season for dill is also drawing to a close. While it will likely be on the list for another few weeks it'll be gone as soon as we have our first hard freeze. It dries and freezes beautifully.
On the Farm
We have a new baby, that's enough news for now!
Happy eating until next time folks,