Lettuce Rejoice
May 26, 2022
Ready, Set, GO!
It’s Week 8 of the Spring Farm Share!
Administrative Details
We are nearly to the end of the spring share! The last spring deliveries will be June 2-3; the summer share deliveries begin June 9, 10, and 11.
We still have a handful of spaces available in the summer share. You can sign up here: https://www.harvie.farm/farm/firmly-rooted-farm/signup
Also, just a reminder that the Bayfield pick up moves from Shopbike Coffee to Clan Gregor Square today (May 20).
Also! We’ll be at market in Bayfield tomorrow (May 20), 3-7, and Goderich Saturday (May 21), 8-2. Come see us!
What’s in the Box
Our lettuce is coming back strong, and our first heads (romaine and butter) are ready. We continue to pick asparagus daily and will for the next 4 weeks or so. We’ve got a pretty delightful assortment of herbs at the moment; dill, cilantro, oregano, sage, and mint. Herbs really take every dish to the next level.
On the Farm
The arrival of the May 24 weekend is like the starter pistol at a race. It’s all ready, set, GO! While it’s not a certain promise that frost is behind us, it often is, and this season I’m fairly (sortof) confident that the tender stuff can start going in next week (after Monday, Monday looks downright chilly).
We are lucky because I collect greenhouses, and so we already have our tomatoes and first round of cucumbers in. That still leaves peppers, eggplant, melons, zucchini, and squash, to name a few. It’s a pretty delicate balancing act; if the weather is too cool the plant won’t thrive even without frost, but if we wait too long then the season for these delightful veggies will be too short. For instance, some years our peppers don’t even start to ripen until September and I’m sure you’ll agree that a pepperless summer is a sad summer.
Once we get everyone in, it’s a race to catch up on weeding because the weeds heard the starter gun too and are racing to take over the farm.
All this to say that if you are looking for me, I’ll probably be planting something and I hope you will be too.
Happy eating until next time!