Lettuce Rejoice!
June 16, 2022
Juning Hard
Administrative Details
Welcome to the second week of the Summer Farm Share!
We are looking for some help on the farm, someone who would primarily be bagging baby greens in a cool building. The position would be 2 days a week, on any combination of Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday. We work 8-5, but hours could be flexible if someone, for instance, needed to get kids on and off a bus, or fit it in around other work.
The perfect candidate would be able to work independently, pay attention to detail, follow instruction, and could lift 30-40 lbs.
Get in touch with Tamara if you are interested firmlyrootedfarm@gmail.com, 519 441 1556.
Important Harvie How-To's:
You’ll have until 9:00 p.m. on Monday June 6th to customize your share. Not sure how? Follow this how-to: https://harvie.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/1260802865550-Customizing-Your-Box-
If you need to switch your pick-up location, skip, hold or reschedule a delivery you can learn how to do that here: https://harvie.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/360001542514-How-to-skip-reschedule-or-change-a-delivery-location
Have another question? You can probably find the answer at Harvie University here: https://harvie.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/categories/115000048773-Harvie-University-Members
Need help?
Reach out to Tamara at firmlyrootedfarm@gmail.com
What’s in the box?
The beets are beautiful. Try them with arugula in a incredible goat cheese and walnut salad:
On the Farm
Earlier in the season I was reading an archived post by another market gardener and he said they were “Juning hard”. It was a serious AMEN moment for me.
June is a verb. June is never ending to do lists where every-damn-thing needs to happen now. June is frenzy. But we take a breath, prioritize those intense to do lists, and move forward the best way we can.
This week has been focused on weeding. It’s a struggle for me as there are still so many things to plant- the next round of cucumbers, the last of the peppers, ginger, and basil, more squash, more zucchini, and so on. Instead of transplanting all week as I’d like, we put in only the basics then moved on to battling weeds. If we don’t weed enough in June the rest of the season is a misery of smothered crops and impossible catchup. If we weed at the right moment, it saves hundreds of hours later on. So weed we must, and we do.
We made our way through the tunnels, the garlic, the early broccoli, cabbage, and sweet onions, and the next few rounds of carrots. All this between rain storms, some impressive ones. If any of you are weeding these days here are my words of wisdom: weed early, weed often, pay attention to your posture, and stretch as needed.
Speaking of weeding carrots, some of you may wonder why we had carrots and now we do not. The first ones were planted last fall in an experiment. They mostly worked, but we’ve harvested all of them and now must wait another week or two for the ones planted in March to come ready. They'll be here soon, and with luck so will the first cucumbers!
Farmer Tamara
p.s. Say hello to this sweet momma turtle that laid eggs in the field