Lettuce Rejoice!
Jun 30, 2022
Dustbowl Days
Just a friendly reminder to please return your bags and clips each week. We are going to be part of a farm crawl on July 9th with other producers that are part of Eat Local Huron. I’ll send out more information soon.
We’d also like to host a Farm Share Member tour on the farm in early August. Would Thursday evenings or Saturday morning work best? Let me know!
What’s in the box?
Everything. Ok, not everything, but some seriously good stuff. This week we are featuring garlic scapes and romaine lettuce. Please grill both of these; they are AMAZING.
Our cucumbers and snap peas make the BEST snacks these days. The cuc’s are a mid-size, about 6” long, with smooth skin and great flavor. The snap peas will only be around for another two weeks or so, so get them while they are here!
Our carrots are having a rough start this spring with poor germination and some heavy carrot rust fly damage, but since we plant every 2 weeks, we should have tons in July. Just bear with us.
Our cherry tomatoes also had a rough start, but we gave them some extra love (fertility + compost tea), and attention (pruning), and put in a second smaller planting as a back up so we have high hopes that this will be a season with plenty of snacking tomatoes. The roma’s and slicers look top notch so there will be tomatoes for certain.
On the Farm
Friday was a demonstration in the importance of soil health. Our neighbour tilled first thing in the morning, and then high winds kicked up and there were times we couldn’t see 10’ away. The sky was thickly brown with his topsoil, it looked just like the photo’s I’ve seen of the prairie dust bowl disaster.
Our soil didn’t move an inch. We’ve still got lots to learn about protecting and building soil health, but I feel like we are headed in the right direction.
Today I walked the farm and saw that all of the cucurbits; the zucchini's, the watermelons, and the squashes, are in full bloom. It’s time to take their protective insect netting off so the bees can get pollinating!
Speaking of bees: our hives died out last summer, and we aren’t ready to restart. If any experienced beekeepers would like to have a hive on the farm please reach out to Tamara at 519 441 1556, or firmlyrootedfarm@gmail.com.
That’s it for now, happy eating until next time!
Farmer Tamara