Lettuce Rejoice
November 10, 2022
Holiday Market!
Administrative Details
The next Eat Local Farm Crawl is coming up on Saturday November 12, 2022, from 10:00 – 4:00 - mark your calendars! It’s being hosted at Meeting Place Organic Farm, at 86016 Creek Line in Lucknow, Ontario.
I’m looking forward to seeing your smiling faces and getting a jump on my holiday shopping with all the amazing local vendors.
Speaking of amazing local vendors, our Greenhouse manager Michelle is moving on to start a baking business called Wild Carrot Bakehouse. I'm going to miss her on the farm but the world needs her cookies, seriously guys, they are to die for, and she uses ethical ingredients so you can feel great eating them!
She’s offering holiday cookie boxes for pre-order and will have some available at the market as well. Check out the details here: https://harvie-uploads.s3.amazonaws.com/farm-uploads/201/images/WIld Carrot.jpg
What’s in the Box?
I’m loving bok choi these days. It’s such a delight to eat hot or cold and is so fast to prepare that’s its perfect for those nights when everything is just about ready to eat but you forgot to cook a vegetable.
I love this sautéed bok choi recipe:
On the Farm
We’ve been armouring the trees we planted with a round of hardware cloth. It is nasty work really, as the hardware cloth tries to take bites out of you the whole time, but I comfort myself that it’ll do the same to any rodent that dares to nibble my trees. I’ve planted too many trees over the years and lost them to winter predation to take any chances this time.
We also (finally) finished digging carrots!!! We managed to grow over 4,000 pounds of these sweeties for winter so prepare yourself for excellent vision, and possibly an appearance from bugs Bunny.
We are starting to prep for the aforementioned holiday market. Typically, I don’t do these markets because who wants to buy vegetables at a holiday market? But I love Eat Local Huron and want to be part of it so you’ll find us with some veggies, a whole lot of Grow Your Own Microgreen kits, and some lovely art and nature décor pieces. Did I tell you I started growing basket willows? I think willow is an incredible plant and you can make incredibly beautiful things with it. Come say hi, and see what we’ve come up with on Saturday November 12, 10-4, at Meeting Place Organic Farm!
That’s all for now, happy eating until next time,
Farmer Tamara